Professional Services

Forensic anthropologists can aide in identification of remains in cases of:


Questioned Deaths


Human/Non Human Determination

Natural Disaster

Aircraft Disaster

Genocide/Human Rights violations

Expert Witness Testimony

Entertainment Consultation

Forensic anthropologists can help with:

Age Determination

Sex Determination

Ancestry Determination


Excavation of remains

X-ray Comparison

Trauma Evaluation

Post Mortem Interval

Contract requirements:

Typically a forensic anthropologist will provide their own equipment, and charge a fee ranging from 100-500 US dollars for examinations.  Court testimony is based on an agreed hourly rate.  They should provide documentation of insurance and a written report.

Reports should include information regarding recovery of remains, chain of custody, discussion of sex, age, ancestry and stature estimation and post mortem interval, if known.  An inventory of remains recovered must be included. If FORDISC analysis was done, a summary with a statistical interpretation should be included.  Additionally, photographs should be included and in each photograph, the case number, the date and the primary investigator should be clearly labeled.